Benchmark Testing Summary Report
The ZIP-scan Test Wizard™
Program automatically creates an Excel®
report with up to 100 students and up to
100 questions in the format of a
detailed summary. Each question
has a standard assigned which documents
the benchmark testing results per
standard. The summary report lists
the actual wrong answer chosen when a
question is missed by a student.
This feature provide an immediate
indication of the need to clarify a
concept with the students when most of
the students missing the question select
the same wrong answer.
Below is an
illustration of the Excel®
screen with 14 students and first 11 questions displayed:

Note that the
student ID number is read off of the student test forms and the names
are imported from a text data file associated with the ID number. Also
note on the left the standards for the questions, WA = word analysis, RC
= reading comprehension. These standards can be revised by you to
reflect the benchmarks that you require be used.
A complete
benchmark summary report in Excel format
can be immediately created automatically
when the correction of all the tests is
finished. Click on the button
below to download the complete Excel®
file for the example test with 14
students and 40 questions.

(Be sure
to view the #2 option for Student Scores, and the other selections)
The benchmark analyzer Excel tool was
developed by CTAP IV and R4SDSS and we
appreciate their sharing it with
Call today to arrange a 30 day evaluation of the ZIP-scan
benchmark testing solution.